Vaginal Odor No More

No Vagina Smell, Get Rid of Fishy Vaginal Odor, Vagina Odor gone forever! Bacterial Vaginosis, vaginal yeast infection, burning of vagina and Vaginal Smell gone for good. Okay, girls. You get the idea.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms

A little more discussion on the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

So what is bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection in the vagina caused by a type of bacteria (germ). The vagina normally contains a lot of "good" bacteria, called lactobacilli and a few other types of bacteria, called anaerobes.

An increase or overgrowth of anaerobes can cause bacterial vaginosis. Doctors do not know why the anaerobe bacteria overgrow and cause this infection.

Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms

The most noticeable symptom that women are usually aware of first is the smell from their vagina. It may have a fishy smell, especially after intercourse.

You may also notice a discharge from your vagina. The discharge may be clear or colored. It may be very light or heavy.

Some women have bacterial vaginosis without any symptoms.

Of course the only way to truly know if your vagina smell is caused by bacterial vaginosis is to have a doctor take a sample and perform a test.

Did I Get it From someone?

Probably not. This is not a infection or a STD (sexually transmitted disease), but simply an overgrowth of a type of bacteria.

Usually your partner does not have to be treated.

It may be spread from woman to woman if your sexual partner is female. Casual contact does not spread the bacteria.

Bacterial Vaginosis can occur in women that are NOT sexually active or have never had sex at all.

While I know you want to get rid of the smell one of the worst things you can do is to use a douche.

Do Not Douche!