The misguided steps of how to get rid of vaginal odor.
Women and our nether regions are depicted as delicate flowers that should have subtle hints of pleasant aromas titilating men with our gentle yet alluring scent of womanhood.
Then you change clothes in the bathroom and are horrorfied at the dead fish in the sun smell, that you are positively sure everyone else can smell.
Now, you may actually not be that bad but if the odor is continously unpleasant there are steps you can take to get rid of vaginal odor.
The problem of vaginal odor not actually one of being unclean. It is not related to how much you wash or scrub or douche (although douching too much may have contributed or tipped the scales of the problem).
As I have said before the bad smell is related to an increase or overgrowth of "bad" bacteria. Good bacteria normally inhabits a healthy vagina but something has caused the scales of good versus bad to become unbalanced.
If you can work up the nerve to visit a doctor for this embarrasing condition, the well meaning doctor will most likely prescribe an anti-biotic to kill off the excess bad bacteria. While this approach may and does work here is the problem.
Strong Anti-bacterial prescriptions will also kill off the good bacteria. The very bacteria you want to keep alive inside your stomach and in the environment of your vagina. Plus, there is a good chance that when you are done with killing off the bacteria the bad bacteria may just come back and start winning again starting the odor problem all over.
What you need is to introduce more good bacteria into your stomach and vaginal region.
One way to start this process is with Probiotics like the one shown below

NSI Probiotic with Acidophilus, Rhamnosus, Thermophilus and Bulgaricus -- 100 Caps
Particularly Acidophilus. Probiotics are simply the good bacteria that we need to be healthy.
You can also get good bacteria, like acidophilus, into your body by eating yogurt.
You should be taking these inexpensive supplements and eating yogurt all the time.
Now this won't be an instant fix. You didn't get instantly "sick" or unhealthy. Your bad vaginal odor has probably been in the works for a while.
This doesn't cost much and it is way to turn your body back around to a more healthy environment.